spook of the ozarks

unapologetic liberal

Friday, September 16, 2005

Blame game, anyone?

Via the Arkansas Times blog, The (Jackson, Miss.) Clarion-Ledger reports:

Federal officials appear to be seeking proof to blame the flood of New Orleans on environmental groups, documents show.
The Clarion-Ledger has obtained a copy of an internal e-mail the U.S. Department of Justice sent out this week to various U.S. attorneys' offices: "Has your district defended any cases on behalf of the (U.S.) Army Corps of Engineers against claims brought by environmental groups seeking to block or otherwise impede the Corps work on the levees protecting New Orleans? If so, please describe the case and the outcome of the litigation."

This shouldn't be surprising. It's just one more reason to throw these lunatics out, lock, stock and barrel, come 2006. Take back the Congress, handcuff the administration and start impeachment proceedings. We can't wait until 2008. More evidence momentarily.


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