spook of the ozarks

unapologetic liberal

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Popular president unpantsed

Sidney Blumenthal dissects the lie that Rove built after 9/11 and the voters bought, reviews the consequences, and concludes that both W and we are screwed until 2008:

Bush's entire presidency and reelection campaign were organized around one master idea: He stood as the protector and savior of the American people under siege. On this mystique he built his persona as a decisive man of conviction and action. In the 2004 election, a critical mass of voters believed that because of his unabashed patriotism and unembarrassed religiosity he would do more to protect the country. They also believed that his fervor must be strength. The criticism of Bush that he was overzealous, simplistic and single-minded only served to reinforce his image.
... The rest of the Bush presidency will consist of his strained efforts to cobble his myth together again while others cope with the consequences of his damage. The hurricane has tossed and turned the country but will not deposit it on firm ground for at least the three and half years remaining of the ruined Bush presidency.

It's worth sitting through the ad just for the photo illustration. And while you're there, another timeline.


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