spook of the ozarks

unapologetic liberal

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Turns out conservatives have a sense of humor

Via CJRDaily, one reacts to E.J. Dionne's column declaring the Bush Era over:

H.D. Miller at Travelling Shoes, for one, isn't buying it, relying on "a never fail rule of thumb" that if "Dionne says it's so, you can be certain it ain't." He adds: "Look for Bush to stage a big comeback in the polls over the next couple of months as the mess in the Gulf gets straightened out, the economy rolls along, and the truth about the successes in Iraq becomes more widely known."

He'll no doubt be watching these things happen on Fox News. If W can straighten out the mess in the Gulf in a couple of months I'll be impressed. And does Mr. Miller consider the fast-approaching 2,000-dead-in-Iraq mark a success? That will happen in a couple of months.


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