spook of the ozarks

unapologetic liberal

Saturday, September 10, 2005

'Throw the bums out'

The feds botched the response to Katrina. The GOP runs the entire federal government. Jim VandeHei of the Post reports:

Hurricane Katrina has the potential to foment change in Washington like the terrorist strikes did four years ago, altering the government's priorities for the foreseeable future and darkening the mood of an electorate that was already anxious before the storm hit shore, according to lawmakers, pollsters and strategists from both parties.
The dispute over Washington's role in saving lives in New Orleans and in the future threatens to make incumbents from both parties among Katrina's casualties, several officials said. With the popularity of Congress and President Bush sagging before the crisis, many officials said Bush and lawmakers made their situation worse by pointing fingers and digressing into political warfare with rescue operations still under way.

... "Incumbents in both parties are dancing perilously close to the edge right now: Gas prices are out of control, we are bogged down in Iraq and now politicians seem to be doing more talking than acting," said David Gergen, a presidential scholar who has served in GOP and Democratic administrations. "We may be heading toward an election in which the attitude is to throw the bums out, and if that happens, Republicans will pay the bigger prices because they are in control."

Of our five Democrats in Congress, Vic Snyder is the only one worth keeping. Maybe a primary challenge would teach them that there's a price to pay for voting for stuff like that hideous bankruptcy bill.


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