spook of the ozarks

unapologetic liberal

Friday, August 26, 2005

Wes Clark's plan for Iraq

Wes Clark writes about Iraq in today's Washington Post:

In the old, familiar fashion, mounting U.S. casualties in Iraq have mobilized increasing public doubts about the war. More than half the American people now believe that the invasion of Iraq was a mistake. They're right. But it would also be a mistake to pull out now, or to start pulling out or to set a date certain for pulling out. Instead we need a strategy to create a stable, democratizing and peaceful state in Iraq -- a strategy the administration has failed to develop and articulate.

He proceeds to articulate such a strategy, for what it's worth. Don't expect the Bush junta to try anything pragmatic. They're still feverish with neocon fantasies. On the other hand, they've previously dismissed Democrats' ideas only to adopt them as if they're their own (think 9/11 commission).


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